Thursday, April 13, 2006

let's try image for uploading

So we want to see if the text will wrap around the photo. I think it will but I'm going to make the fonta little bigger to make this easier to try out. The picture is a little bit on the large side so I need tow write a fair amount of text to get it to wrap. What I'm not understand is how the photo sizes compared to the actual blog with. My blog appears in a fairly narrow column. But of course this is a bit different because we are trying this out in a blog I don't user very often and really is mostly for Illini basketball. Is this the appropriate picture to use for the demo? I'm no really sure. It might be right for the day after the Illini lost in the NCAA tournament or for when my son Ben starts telling some of his very pad puns. And, of course, I got him started on this. He now seems addicted to the punning and his sense of taste is worse than mine, so he has no filter on the puns that he comes up with. And then he explains them to everyone. Geez.